Retirement Income Gap Analysis
Will you have enough money to live on when you retire? It is important to understand whether your current investment planning will allow you to retire when you want and support the style of living you desire. The F&H Retirement Income Gap Finder will let you know. This easy-to-use tool gives one the ability to project the rate of growth in your assets between now and the desired date of retirement. This information is a key factor in the determination when you will be able to retire and how well.
Based on the report you receive from the F&H Retirement Income Gap Finder you will have the ability to make decisions regarding your investments today which will impact your retirement. If, based on the report, you find you will have less retirement income than you would like, the report will help you to determine the kinds of changes you may wish to make in order to have sufficient retirement income.
By understanding how your current investment planning today will project out through to your retirement, you will have the chance now to make the changes needed to ensure you can provide for yourself and your family at retirement.